First Attempts

Not having read many blogs, I have absolutely no idea where to start. That is why the title up there includes the word “ramblings.” Luckily, I happen to be very good at rambling.

As she will very likely feature extensively in future posts of any honesty, I should introduce you all to Jack. Jack is my alter ego. She goes to auditions, tells people off, and flirts fluently. While you may rest assured that I suffer from absolutely no mental abnormalities, I have noticed that every now and then a very different aspect of myself surfaces. I have named this part of me “Jack.” For some incomprehensible reason, she is fascinated by Jack Merridew from William Golding’s wonderful book “The Lord of the Flies.” I thought I’d let her share his name because she also shares his primal spirit and love of knives, food, and dancing around fires. Jack is not evil, like her namesake, just free from many of the social constraints that I’m obligated to observe.

So, now that I’ve convinced you I’m completely off my gourd, I'll just add that if you expect deep philosophical musings, you should find another blog to read. No philosophers here. Nope.

What you can expect is bits of my scribblings, news articles and art projects. Maybe some disjointed flailing at actual thought. I appreciate comments, even constructive criticism, but please don't destroy my fragile self-regard completely, for the sake of mercy, my family and the universe at large.

Several excellent English professors have, with much laborious work, taught me to stop writing when I have nothing more to say. So, out of respect for their only sometimes effective efforts,

I remain sincerely yours,


. . .

and Jack


Monica M. said...

I like your style of writing. Even though you say you go on forever. It's descriptive and you write in your own voice. However, it's a little scary that you named your alter ego Jack from LOTF. He was wicked. :)

Danielle said...

It is kind of scary. I'm not even sure how it happened, it just... sort of did...

brennan c said...

haha your not alone i have no clue where to start with blogging, it just seemed kind of strange when i first started to try and write lol its not like facebook at all.